Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So there is one thing that I truly do not understand here.  We have about 7 channels in English.  The ones I seem to watch the most are BBC Entertainment, Vista 1000 (movie channel), Euro Sport, and Disney Channel.  David does watch the National Geographic Channel but I cannot seem to get into this.  So what I don't understand is that these channels have the shows in English but they take the time to dub the coming up next in Russian.  Do people understand the tv shows then?  Why do they take the time to dub all the commercials for shows and movies in Russian but not the actual show?  Then there is also the radio stations/music channel.  They play English songs on there.  I saw Taylor Swift and Pink the other day and listened to Bon Jovi on our way from the airport.  Do they understand the songs?  or is it like me listening to a Russian song and show?  This baffles me and maybe soon I will be able to ask someone about it but for now I will still continue to contemplate it.  

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