Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The opportunity became available for me to take private ballet lessons from a professional ballerina that performed at the Bolshoi Theatre.  I loved dance when I was growing up and this is an opportunity that not everybody gets, so I thought sure why not.  I do believe I am a in a bit over my head.  She teaches in her apartment and it is a small wooden floor space with a bar.  This small space is more than enough to do the techniques that she went over.  If only I was a good dancer to learn these techniques.  Even though I can say I took lessons for 13 years DOES NOT mean a thing.  She is way more advanced than this girl that learned ballet in little ole Conway, Arkansas.  I will be sure to tell you that I was not in shape growing up and taking dance after 10 years of not dancing and having a baby, I am surely not in shape now.  She would show me where my grande battement should be.  Let me tell you my grande battement didn't go there when I was younger.  I will do this a bit more but will actively look for group class.  I am a bit sore in places I did not know I could be sore in.  Great lesson and will always remember, but boy I am out of my league.

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